Argo CD as Plattform

To create an Argo CD project, you need to define a project in Argo CD that manages access and deployment for your GitOps repositories and clusters. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building an Argo CD project using YAML:


  • Argo CD installed and configured on your Kubernetes cluster.
  • kubectl configured to communicate with the cluster.

Step 1: Define the Argo CD Project YAML

kind: AppProject
  name: argocddemo # The name of the Argo CD project
  namespace: argocd # The namespace where Argo CD is installed (usually 'argocd')
  description: "My project for managing apps with Argo CD"
  # Define which source repositories are allowed
  # Define the destination clusters where Argo CD is allowed to deploy
    - namespace: default
      server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
  # Optional: Define cluster resource restrictions
    - group: '*'
      kind: '*'
  # Optional: Define namespace resource restrictions
    - group: '*'
      kind: '*'
  # Optional: Configure roles and permissions
    - name: developer
      description: "Developer role with limited permissions"
        - p, proj:my-project:developer, applications, get, *, allow
        - p, proj:my-project:developer, applications, create, *, allow
        - developers
  # Optional: Define sync windows for time-based deployments
    - kind: allow
      schedule: "* * 9-17 * * 1-5"
      duration: 8h
        - '*'


  1. apiVersion & kind: Defines the kind of resource. Here it’s AppProject.
  2. metadata:
    • name: Name of the project, e.g., argocddemo.
    • namespace: Namespace where Argo CD is installed (argocd by default).
  3. spec:
    • description: A short description of the project.
    • sourceRepos: The Git repository URL(s) allowed for this project.
    • destinations: Defines where Argo CD is allowed to deploy. You can restrict this by specifying a namespace and cluster.
    • clusterResourceWhitelist: Specifies which cluster-level resources are allowed (e.g., ConfigMaps, Custom Resource Definitions).
    • namespaceResourceWhitelist: Specifies which namespace-level resources are allowed (e.g., Deployments, Pods).
    • roles: Custom roles can be defined for specific actions like create, get, etc. These roles can be assigned to groups.
    • syncWindows: Optional section to limit deployments to certain time windows (e.g., during business hours).

Step 2: Apply the Project YAML

Once your YAML is ready, you can apply it to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl.

kubectl apply -f argocd-project.yaml

Step 3: Verify the Project in Argo CD

You can verify that the project was successfully created by using either:

  • Argo CD UI: Go to the Argo CD web UI and look for the Projects section.
  • kubectl:
kubectl get appprojects -n argocd

Step 4: Create an Argo CD Application in this Project

Now that your project is set up, you can create an application that deploys resources from your Git repository to your Kubernetes cluster.

Example Argo CD Application YAML:

kind: Application
  name: my-app
  namespace: argocd
  project: argocddemo   # Reference to the project created above
    path: manifests
    targetRevision: HEAD
    server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
    namespace: default
      prune: true
      selfHeal: true

Apply the application using:

kubectl apply -f argocd-application.yaml

This will deploy the resources defined in the Git repo under the argocddemo project.

Git Repo for Argo CD applications

To implement a Git repository structure for an Argo CD project, it’s important to organize the repository in a way that promotes scalability, modularity, and maintainability. This structure allows you to efficiently manage multiple environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod) and applications, along with reusable Kubernetes manifests (Helm charts, Kustomize, etc.).

Here’s an example for a Git repository structure for an Argo CD project:

High-Level Directory Structure

├── apps/                # Contains the Argo CD applications
│   ├── dev/             # Manifests for the 'dev' environment
│   ├── staging/         # Manifests for the 'staging' environment
│   └── prod/            # Manifests for the 'prod' environment
├── base/                # Common base manifests, reusable for all environments
│   ├── app1/
│   └── app2/
├── environments/        # Environment-specific overlays (Kustomize or Helm)
│   ├── dev/
│   ├── staging/
│   └── prod/
├── helm-charts/         # Optional: Custom Helm charts (if using Helm)
│   ├── app1-chart/
│   └── app2-chart/
└── argocd-apps/         # Argo CD application definitions
    ├── dev-app.yaml
    ├── staging-app.yaml
    └── prod-app.yaml

More on this topic in the next blog post :-)